Fall calls for lush fabrics, shimmers, and a little bit of decadence. The same holds true for lashes- especially when Volumation® comes into play. In this week’s the blog, get to…
With National Grandparent’s Day on September 9th just around the corner, we are reminded that grandparents are golden! Unfortunately, mature clients are sometimes ignored by the youth-focused marketing industry. Knowing…
Getting eyelash extensions is an exciting experience and the results can enhance your beauty, while minimizing your daily routine at the same time. However, with certain greatness comes responsibilities- one…
Every time a client arrives for a Relash, a full assessment of the previous application should be conducted and an application plan discussed with the client. This ensures that both Lash…
If you use Xtreme Lashes Eyelash Primer and can’t see anything happening, is the product working? This topic has come up many times in our Training Programs. Another popular question about the Eyelash…
A question we often receive from End Consumers and Lash Stylists is why did we develop Synthetic/Faux Mink eyelash extensions instead of just using real mink hair? Xtreme Lashes Co-Founder…